Preserving Our Natural Resources
- Our facility recently installed over 4,337 solar panels on the roof, which reduced our daily dependency on electricity by 50%. This reduction is enough to power 325 houses in Southern California and within 25 years and will reduce CO2 emissions (leading greenhouse gas) by 42,000 tons.
- Our Good Life Organic semi-trucks are powered by clean burning natural gas, thus reducing our carbon emissions.
- By replacing plastic trays with compostable fiber trays, we have reduced our use of plastic by 1.2 million trays. These fiber trays are made from our corrugated produce boxes which gives the box another life as a tray.
- Less than 10% of our unused product inventory goes to landfills–over 40,000 pounds of produce a month is donated from our warehouse to local charities.
- Protecting and using resources responsibly helps us achieve our goals of less energy consumption, reduced carbon emissions, and less landfill waste.